About Councilman Curren D. Price, Jr.

Since assuming Office in 2013, LA City Councilmember Curren Price has consistently delivered life-changing results for the District 9 community in South Central Los Angeles. With a proven track record, he has successfully implemented measures that have led to higher wages, greater worker protections, economic growth, and a safer and cleaner environment for neighbors.
Councilmember Price was born and raised in Council District 9, the same community he now proudly represents. He was first elected in 2013 and with the overwhelming support of the community, he went on to achieve landslide victories for each of his re-election campaigns in 2017 and 2022.
Councilmember Price is known for his unwavering leadership in spearheading some of the most significant landmark labor policies in the City of Los Angeles. These ordinances include wage increases for hotel workers to $15.37 and raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour for LA workers. He also successfully championed Ban the Box, which restricts employers from asking potential job candidates about their conviction history before extending an offer for employment.
Most recently, he celebrated the passage of a Los Angeles Fair Work Week ordinance, a motion he introduced which mandates that large retail establishments provide advance notice of work schedules, rest periods between shifts, predictability pay, and protection against retaliation. For years, Price was also at the forefront of the fight to decriminalize street vending and played a pivotal role in the establishment of the City's first sidewalk vending ordinance.
The Councilmember has built a reputation for actively working toward breaking the cycle of generational poverty by building pathways toward economic growth and opportunities for working families.
In 2021, Price initiated the effort to launch the largest Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI) pilot program in the nation. Initially, the Councilmember proposed a $6 million program specifically designed for Council District 9 residents, which turned into a $40 million effort, benefitting more than 3,200 households citywide, with nearly one-fourth of the participants coming out of District 9. Over the course of one year, the program, "BIG:LEAP" (Basic Income Guaranteed: Los Angeles Economic Assistance Pilot), provided $1,000 direct cash payments to families who were living in poverty and had been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
During the COVID-19 public health emergency of 2020, Price championed policies that prioritized the dignity and well-being of frontline workers. One such initiative was the implementation of “Hazard Pay,” which provided an extra $5 an hour for a period of 120 days to over 26,000 grocery store and drugstore workers.
To safeguard the community's health during this unprecedented period, Councilmember Price fought to bring the first walk-up vaccination site in the City at Kedren Community Health Center in the Ninth District. In an effort to increase access to the life-saving vaccine, Price also orchestrated a series of pop-up testing events and mobile vaccination clinics at various locations, including his District Office, churches, local parks, senior facilities, and public housing sites.
Spurring economic growth throughout the City and creating jobs within District 9 are major focuses of the Councilmember. Under his tenure, the NEW 9th has experienced a renaissance that has brought great prosperity to the area. Since taking office, he has been instrumental in attracting billions of dollars in private investment through monumental projects such as the Los Angeles Football Club (LAFC) soccer stadium, the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art, and the renovation of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. All of these major projects have greatly benefited the community by generating thousands of new jobs through Project Labor Agreements and local hire requirements, as well as providing job-training resources.
As a former entrepreneur, Councilmember Price is a strong supporter of small, minority and women-owned businesses. In October 2014, he opened the Business Resource Center (BRC) within his District Office to offer crucial support, business development tools, training, and services, enabling local businesses to remain competitive in the market. Additionally, Price authored the Legacy Business motion, which sets aside funds to help protect businesses that have been in operation for 20-plus years, and have significantly contributed to the community's history.
A leading advocate for eradicating Los Angeles’ homelessness crisis with urgency and a comprehensive approach, Price has brought a variety of housing projects across the finish line. This includes interim “Bridge Housing” facilities, innovative housing developments like shipping containers and furnished dome sleeping pods, and safe sleep sites.
By 2024, Councilmember Price will have added over 3,900 units of affordable and homeless housing in CD 9. Through his relentless advocacy, he has gone on to secure more than $94 million for homeless housing initiatives and over $104 million for City-funded affordable housing projects. Additionally, he has approved the construction of more than 3,800 units of market-rate housing, recognizing the need for diverse housing options.
Councilmember Price has made it a priority to help individuals get off the streets, and he has worked diligently to expand outreach teams that offer wrap-around services, particularly multi-disciplinary teams (MDT) that include medical and mental health professionals. Moreover, he has championed prevention programs geared towards preventing Angelenos from falling into homelessness. Price initiated the current program in place called "Solid Ground," which was subsequently expanded citywide, providing families with a dedicated case manager, financial assistance, and access to various public benefits, among other essential services.
He firmly believes in engaging the unhoused population where they are, and remains a driving force behind initiatives like Safe Parking, which provides a secure location for those residing in their vehicles complete with access to hygiene facilities and supportive services.
Councilmember Price has been a long standing champion of mixed immigration status households, allocating over $3 million in discretionary funds to expand free immigration legal services, outreach, and education in South LA. Notably, this represents the largest-ever immigration initiative undertaken by any Council Office in the history of the City of Los Angeles.
His office has forged partnerships with respected organizations such as the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA), the Central American Resource Center (CARECEN), the Salvadoran American Leadership and Educational Fund (SALEF), and the Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI), among others. These partnerships have provided invaluable services to his constituents, assisting them in becoming U.S. citizens and offering financial and legal aid to beneficiaries of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and individuals with Temporary Protected Status (TPS). Thanks to the support of the Councilmember, CHIRLA was able to establish a permanent location at the CD 9 Neighborhood Resource Center.
District 9, with one-third of its population under the age of 18 and facing a scarcity of green spaces, has seen significant transformation under the efforts of Councilmember Price. Demonstrating his dedication, he has successfully secured more than $60 million for improvements across every park and recreation center within District 9.
Several exciting additions have been made throughout the district as a result of these unprecedented investments. These include the opening of a new Skatepark at Trinity Recreation Center, a new football field and two baseball fields at South Park Recreation Center, the first dog park in CD 9 at Ross Snyder Recreation Center, as well as the installation of new playground equipment, outdoor fitness equipment, lighting, security cameras, and numerous other enhancements at various locations across the district.
Under the Councilmember's leadership, three more parks are currently in progress: Inell Woods pocket park, Bill Greene Memorial Park, and the Slauson Connect Recreation and Education Center—a state-of-the-art, multi-million dollar facility that embodies innovation, recreation, and community engagement.
Councilmember Price believes that every Angeleno has the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment. In order to combat residential and commercial dumping, and maintain the cleanliness of District 9, he introduced a targeted, multi-million dollar neighborhood cleanup initiative that includes LA Sanitation & Environment (LASAN), the Coalition for Responsible Community Development (CRCD), the LA Conservation Corps (LACC), and his office's dedicated Rapid Response team. To date, this collaboration has successfully led to the removal of tens of thousands of tons of loose trash and debris, as well as bulky items and illegal dumping from CD 9 streets. As part of his “Clean & Green” campaign, he has championed the addition of hundreds of new trash cans and the planting of over 1,000 trees along major thoroughfares in the District.
Price has consistently upheld culture and the arts, underscoring the importance he places on uniting the City while celebrating the rich diversity of Los Angeles. He took the lead in creating a Dia de los Muertos event in the District, amplifying the signature Central Avenue Jazz Festival, and fought for the acquisition of the historic Lincoln Theater for community use. To educate community members on the incredible legacy of Central Avenue, he partnered with Angels Walk LA to highlight some of the NEW 9th’s cultural and historical landmarks. The walking trail, known as Angels Walk Central Avenue, commemorates significant events, locations, and legacies of important figures along the corridor.
A dedicated public servant for over 30 years, Price was a member of the Inglewood City Council, representing the city's District 1, from 1993 to 1997 and 2001 to 2006. His dedication to public service continued in the California State Legislature, where he served as an Assemblymember in 2006. During his time in the Assembly, Price held the esteemed position of Chair of the Assembly Committee on Elections and Redistricting, as well as Chair of the influential Committee on Governmental Organization. In 2009, he continued his service as a State Senator, assuming the role of Chair of the Business and Professions Committee. In 2010, Price's colleagues recognized his leadership abilities and elected him as Chair of the California Legislative Black Caucus.
Councilmember Price is happily married to Del Richardson-Price, and he takes great joy in being a grandfather to four grandchildren. During his leisure time, he actively pursues his passions for travel, art, and music.
Price obtained a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from Stanford University and went on to earn his J.D. from the University of Santa Clara, School of Law. Additionally, he holds lifetime teaching credentials for Adult Education and California Community Colleges.