Connect with City departments to request services and resources. Please find a partial list of City Departments. If you still need assistance, please contact our District Office at (323) 846-2651.
- Los Angeles Police Department
77th Street Division
7600 S. Broadway St.
Phone: (323) 786-5077Newton Division
3400 S. Central Ave.
Phone: (323) 846-6547Southeast Division
145 W. 108th St.
Phone: (213) 972-7828Southwest Division
1546 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Phone: (213) 485-2582- Department of Building & Safety
The Department of Building and Safety provides permits, handles zoning and enforcing codes. Building and Safety protects the lives and safety of the residents and visitors of the City of Los Angeles and advises, guides and assists customers to achieve compliance with codes and local and State laws.
For more information, visit or call 1-888-LA4-BUILD (1-888-524-2845).
- Department of Public Works Bureau of Sanitation
The primary responsibility of LA Sanitation is to collect, clean and recycle solid and liquid waste generated by residential, commercial and industrial users in the City of Los Angeles and surrounding communities. LA Sanitation protects the environment and enhances the quality of life in the City of Los Angeles’ neighborhoods.
For more information, visit or call 1-800-773-2489.
- Department of Public Works Bureau of Street Services
The Bureau of Street Services maintains, repairs and cleans streets, alleys, bridges, tunnels and pedestrian subways. Street services removes weeds, illegally deposited debris and other hazards from public and private properties. The department plants, trims and removes street trees and maintains landscaped median islands. Street Services enforces street use ordinances and inspects the movement of houses or oversized loads on City streets.
For more information, visit or call 1-800-996-CITY (2489).
Bureau of Street Lighting
The Bureau of Street Lighting designs, constructs, maintains and repairs the City’s Street Lighting System. It maintains adequate roadway and sidewalk lighting for vehicular and pedestrian safety. It evaluates petitions for street lighting in accordance with the 1911 Improvement Act and requests for additional streetlights.
For more information, visit or call 1-800-996-2489.
- Department of Transportation
LADOT leads transportation planning in the City of Los Angeles and works to provide safe, accessible transportation services and infrastructure. The Department maintains traffic signs, signals, parking meters, street name signs, line striping and other transportation control devices. It develops and operates bus transit programs for the public, coordinates off-street parking, enforces parking regulations and provides crossing guard services at schools.
For more information, visit Council District 8 residents should call (310) 732-4599.
- Department of Water & Power
The Department of Water and Power is responsible for supplying the City and its businesses and residents with water and electric energy.
For information, visit or call 1-800-DIAL DWP.
- Los Angeles Animal Services Department
The Department of Animal Services provides services that enable people and animals to live together safely in the City of Los Angeles. The Department houses and cares for lost and abandoned animals in its six shelters located throughout the City, enforces animal-related laws, and acts to prevent cruelty to animals. The Department issues animal licenses and participates in the State rabies control program. The Department also issues cat identification tags and collects tag fees. The Department enforces the Leash Law; inspects medical research laboratories; and accepts unwanted animals.
For information, visit or call 888-452-7381.
- Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA)
The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) is one of the nation’s largest public housing authorities, and is the largest provider of affordable housing and rent assistance to low and very low-income households in the City of Los Angeles. HACLA owns and operates housing units and administers Section 8 Rent Assistance Vouchers.
For information, visit or call (213) 252-2500.