Dedicated to Solving the Housing Crisis
To combat the housing affordability crisis in District 9, Councilmember Curren Price continues to expand the production of Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH), Affordable Housing (AH), and Market Rate Housing with thousands of units to support working families and reduce the unhoused population.

Advancing Economic Growth and Opportunities
Since taking Office, Councilmember Curren Price has helped usher billions of dollars in private investments with historic projects in the Ninth District—bringing economic investment and job creation like never seen before. Price, who chairs the Economic Development and Jobs Committee, continues to insist that transformative development projects include local hire, inclusion of minority- and women-owned businesses and job training, among other community benefits.

Tower of Strength for Immigrant Families
Councilmember Curren Price has been a longstanding champion of immigrant families going on to secure millions of dollars to protect marginalized communities, as well as providing support and resources to immigrant advocacy groups, which have brought much-needed services to South LA.

Improving Parks and Recreation Centers Across District 9
Since being elected in 2013, Councilmember Curren Price has helped secure more than $60 million to make improvements across every park and recreation center in District 9. Under his leadership, a wide variety of improvements and repairs have been made in CD 9 including; new playground equipment, outdoor fitness equipment, basketball courts, skate parks, play fields, lighting, security cameras and much more.

Slauson Connect
Councilmember Curren Price is leading the effort to bring a multi-million dollar innovative and interactive multipurpose facility to District 9. ”The Slauson Connect“ will be a place for community members to learn, create and enjoy green space. To date, Councilmember Price has successfully secured $23.3 million towards the project.