To enhance the quality of life for neighbors in South Central, Councilmember Curren Price has brought together government and non-profit organizations in a coordinated effort to create cleaner, greener, and more livable neighborhoods.
Councilmember Price's "Clean & Green" campaign includes collaboration with LA Sanitation & Environment (LASAN) as well as dedicated clean-up crews consisting of members from CD 9 Rapid Response, the Coalition for Responsible Community Development (CRCD), and LA Conservation Corps (LACC), who work tirelessly throughout the District.
The partnership is contributing to the ongoing removal of loose trash and debris, bulky items and illegal dumping from CD 9 streets. Furthermore, the dedicated crews are addressing additional areas of concern such as weed abatement and graffiti removal.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can I submit a service request anonymously?
A. Most service request types can be entered anonymously by leaving the Contact Info fields blank while creating your request. However, if we need more information and have no way to contact you, the request may be canceled (not completed).
Q. Can I have a copy of my service request sent to my email address?
A. Yes. When submitting a service request, if you provide your email address on the Contact Info screen, you will receive an email notification for that request when it opens and when it gets closed or canceled.
Q. When I submit a service request, who will fulfill the request and how long will it take?
A. Your request will be assigned to the corresponding City Department depending on the type of service request entered. The time to fulfill the request varies depending on the service request type, priority, and the volume of requests being handled by the assigned City Departments.
Q. Is there a limit to the number of service requests that I can enter?
A. There is not a limit on the number of service requests entered. However, the system may prompt you that someone else has already reported a similar issue at the same location.
Q. Do I need to include a photo when submitting a service request?
A. Adding a photo is optional, but it is helpful.
Penalties Increased for Illegal Dumping
Dumping waste, materials, packaging and equipment on LA streets, sidewalks and alleys or in public bins is a crime and is subject to increased fines or criminal prosecution.
The City is cracking down on those who trash our sidewalks and streets:
- Penalties for violations under City and/or State law are punishable from a $200 fine to as much as $25,000 and/or jail time.
- Surveillance cameras have been installed throughout the City. Footage from these and private business cameras is being used as evidence in pursuing criminal cases against illegal dumpers.
- Citizen Reporting: the MyLA311 app has been updated to make it easier for witnesses of illegal dumping with evidence or first-hand information to report it to the City for investigation.