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Posted on 05/14/2024
The City Council approved a report from the Ad Hoc Committee on City Governance Reform to establish a Charter Reform Commission and to present a ballot measure for the November 2024 General Election, which aims to enhance the responsibilities of the City Ethics Commission.
The Charter Reform Commission will consist of 13 members tasked with reviewing the entire City Charter and addressing issues referred by the Ad Hoc Committee. The Mayor, Council President, and Council President Pro Tempore will appoint the members, followed by an application process to ensure a balance of geography, diversity, and expertise.
Additionally, voters in November will decide on a measure to expand the powers and duties of the Ethics Commission. Proposed changes include establishing an annual budget of $6.5 million to help oversee and enforce the City's lobbying, ethics, and campaign finance rules; increasing penalties for ethics code violations from $5,000 to $15,000; and prohibiting authorities from appointing relatives, major donors, and other specified individuals.
To read the full report and proposed amendments, click here.