Posted on 05/18/2022

Earlier this week, the LA City Council approved the 2022-2023 fiscal year budget that includes the largest investment of over $1 billion to combat the homelessness crisis.
Below are highlights from what Councilmember Price fought for and the other members of Budget and Finance Committee request be added to the Mayor’s initial plan:
- $6 million for the senior meal program
- $1.5 million to support economic development programs such as the Good Food Zone, Legacy Businesses, and JEDI zones
- $1.8 million for 104 additional crossing guards and crossing guard supervision at LAUSD schools
- More than $2 million invested into the Speed Hump program to resume after pausing during the pandemic
- Bringing the Summer Play LA subsidy down to $10 per week at 81 Recreation and Parks facilities
- $500,000 to support targeted recruitment of women and underrepresented groups in the Los Angeles Fire Department
- 18 positions added in the Active Transportation Infrastructure project for implementation of the Green New Deal
- Increased frequency of commercial corridor street sweeping
- Two additional teams and equipment to combat copper wire theft
- Funding and positions to support racial equity work in the Civil + Human Rights and Equity Department
- Fully funding the implementation of the LAPD After-Action Plan