Posted on 11/07/2023

The City Council approved a report from the Budget, Finance and Innovation Committee relative to the program design and implementation of the Rapid Response Senior Meals Program (RRSMP). This program, formally known as the Emergency Senior Meals program, was first developed during the COVID-19 pandemic as a response to the growing food insecurity among seniors over the age of 60. When the City’s COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency order ended earlier this year, so did the former program, yet the need to provide meals for the most vulnerable community members continues.
The Department of Aging transitioned into the new RRSMP and during the current year budget, the Council allocated $15 million for the continuation of the program. In this report, Council authorizes the department up to $11 million for staffing, administrative and contractual services with meal providers like Everytable to ensure the success of the program. To read the report, please click here.