Posted on 11/29/2023

The City Council voted in support of a report from the Ad Hoc City Committee on City Governance relative to Independent Redistricting Charter Reform. By approving this report, the Council will be sending a proposal for an independent commission to redraw the boundaries of future council districts to the November 2024 ballot.
What will be before voters includes a 16-member commission, with four alternates who will serve 10-year terms. The application process to become a commissioner will be managed and supported by the City Clerk and City Ethics Commission. The criteria calls for eight members who represent the geographic areas of the City, followed by eight members who meet diversity requirements such as race, ethnicity, age, income, etc. City elected officials and lobbyists would be prohibited from serving on the panel.
If the measure is approved, the new process will provide a fair, transparent and inclusive way for district lines to be redrawn. To read the full report, please click here.