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Planting Hope One Tree at a Time

Posted on 03/21/2025
Arbor Day 2025
National Arbor Day in District 9 was a resounding success! On March 15, more than 100 volunteers gathered at Ross Snyder Recreation Center with a shared purpose: to plant trees, care for the environment, and help create a healthier future for the community. 
Neighbors planted more than 50 trees throughout the day, with a resource fair and family-friendly activities also part of the community event. Additionally, residents adopted 144 fruit and shade trees to plant at home.
Team Price would like extend special thanks to City Plants LA for helping bring the event to life, as well as  dozens of city and community partners, including the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), Bureau of Street Services, LA Sanitation & Environment (LASAN), and many others, for their commitment to the environment.