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Silver Linings in the City Budget

Posted on 05/24/2024
City Hall II
Dear Neighbors, 
On May 23, the Los Angeles City Council approved Mayor Karen Bass' $12.8 billion budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year with a 12-3 vote.
Despite the budget's challenges, including the elimination of 1,700 vacant positions across various departments, no layoffs are expected. Here are a few of the silver linings embedded in the budget:
  • $8.5 million for domestic violence and human trafficking victims

  • $1 million for the RepresentLA Program (LA Justice Fund)

  • $1 million for social equity initiative

Furthermore, we were able to restore critical positions within the Department of Recreation and Parks and CARE (LA Sanitation) teams. The Council was able to successfully reinstate approximately $2.5 million for the senior meals program.
Specific to Council District 9, I am delighted that my Office was able to secure funding for the following initiatives:
  • $2.5 million for the Slauson Connect Recreation and Education Center, a unique development for local youth to participate in digital media arts, including broadcasting, game design, and recorded performance art

  • Over $1 million to address homelessness-related issues in the District

  • $1.7 million for the Gage Median project, which seeks to enhance the corridor from Avalon Boulevard to Central Avenue by incorporating drought-tolerant plants, irrigation systems and landscaping features

  • $50,000 for this year’s Central Avenue Jazz Festival taking place Sept. 21

I am also pleased to have introduced a motion to increase staffing in the Office of Wage Standards and the City Attorney's office to address wage theft. Although the proposal has been referred to committee, it remains crucial given that Los Angeles continues to be the wage theft capital of the United States. I look forward to seeing this motion return to the Council so that we can enact meaningful change.
Lastly, I want to wish you and your family a restful Memorial Day weekend as our nation pauses to honor and remember the brave men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.
Curren Price Jr. Signature